Latest MessageYou can now watch last Sunday's sermon on demand. We post each weekend's message every Sunday evening. Whether you couldn't attend in-person or simply want to learn more about The W Church, we hope this message speaks to you no matter where you are.
Visit UsEnsign Intermediate School
2000 Cliff Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Sundays at 9:30 am We are so excited that you are planning to visit The W Church in the coming weeks. There are a few things we think you should know about if you're coming for the first time. When you first arrive, greeters will direct you to our meeting space and to a check-in location if you have children. On the patio you will find refreshments and a team of volunteers who can answer any questions you may have or give you insight into the daily life of The W Church. You will discover that The W Church is made up of very friendly and welcoming people. We look forward to meeting you!
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